Days Away From More Misery

The last time Donald Trump was president, he took children away from refugee parents attempting to enter the United States. As a deterrent.

It was an immoral policy and one we’re now likely to see again soon — or something equally reprehensible. Can it get more reprehensible? I don’t even want to think about that.

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Josh Rubin, of Brooklyn, New York outside the internment camp at Tornillo, Texas. in 2018.

The Carbon Trace Productions documentary crew filmed some of the protests in the summer of 2018 and along the way met Josh Rubin, of Brooklyn, New York. Here was a guy willing to put his body on the line for an idea and a technique of disobedience. The idea was to call attention to moral failings of all of those who helped run the entire apparatus of the child internment camps — from cooks to Congressmen. The technique is called Witnessing. Basically you keep watch, and you let everyone who goes into the camps, for whatever reason,  know that you’re watching.

Ahead of whatever terrible things Trump has in store for refugees, you might wish to re-visit the past. Check out our film, Witness at Tornillo, about a lone guy who started a movement now called Witness at the Border.

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