How to be a Successful Documentary Filmmaker

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No. Really.

I taught students how to tell “good” visual nonfiction stories — including journalism and other forms in addition to documentaries. “Good” in this case refers to their conforming to standards, or understanding how/when/why to creatively break from those standards.

Being successful — by two definitions, anyway — was the job of professors who taught producing and such. Now that it’s too late, it should have been my job, too. Having done that job would be a help to me now.

My Project 7

OK, so the two definitions (and I’ll throw in a third):

  1. Money. If your films make money, that’s success.
  2. Distribution. If your films get distributed by a distributor, that’s success.
  3. Satisfaction. If your films end up being all that you want them to be in terms of communication, rhetoric, and art, that’s success.

It’s hard to take number #3 to the grocery and buy food. Or pay the rent. But it’s the most important one, I think. I’m not sure how the first two are even possible without it. I could be suffering a bit of romanticism here. So be it.

I have reached a place where I do not need to make money with my films. Distribution is a fickle thing. I don’t worry about it. I enter film festivals. I run a YouTube channel. If that’s all it ever is for the rest of what’s left of my life, that’ll be OK. I do try for more. I’m simply letting myself off the hook and rejecting imposter syndrome.

I am a documentary filmmaker because I make documentary films. I am a successful documentary filmmaker because, for the most part, I’m happy with the work I’ve done (understanding I should always know my limitations and strive to improve). If you’ve never seen one of my films, well, click the Eyewitness link on the sidebar and have at it. If a lot of people have never seen my work, well, that’s their problem. It’s out there 🙂

I am in post-production on Trinity (never-ending so far). I plan to send it to a few festivals then straight to YouTube. I have two new projects working — both will be going into production this winter. One you know about already: Os Marnotos. I’ll be announcing the other soon.

#4 Industriousness. If you are busy making documentary films, that’s success. #5 Community. If you have people to help you make documentary films, that’s success.

Check and check.

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