Street Photography With a New Camera (Soon)

I’ve been using a Fujifilm X-E1 for many years. It’s traveled the world with me. I’ve used it to capture street scenes and street art. It’s walked hundreds of miles with me along paths in the United Kingdom and Portugal. It’s ridden with me on the Trans Siberian Railroad and cruised with me on the Yangtze River. It’s provided me the pleasure of being able to use a rangefinder in the digital age — something I learned to love with my Leica M3 from my days as a photojournalist.

I’ve re-paid my X-E1 by beating the living shit out of it. I’ve beaten the living shit out of nearly every camera I’ve ever owned because, well, they are tools, and I am working — often in difficult situations.

Before the Fuji, I beat the shit out of a Nikon P7000. Before that, I beat the shit out of a long line of Nikon F series cameras. I’m fixin’ to beat the shit out of a new camera — a SONY A6400, also a rangefinder. Did I mention I love rangefinders?

I’ll have it in just about a week. I’ll be putting it to immediate use for the usual things and a couple of new projects I’m cooking up.

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